Wednesday, May 31, 2006

a reason for being

Can you believe they cancelled "Manimal". Guys (and girls), he wasn't just a man, he was also part animal. Once he turned into a dolphin, but usually it was just a wolf or some other nonsense.

I guess there were creative problems from the beginning. A lot of "Guys, we need more animal." counterposed with "Whoa whoa whoa, we need more man".

If the viewership could all send pictures of their favorite animals to FOX maybe they will put it back on "the air".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never saw "Manimal," but I often think about how much funner* Saturday Morning cartoons were when we had the "Wonder Twins"

*(i.e. - "more fun", this is not a misspelling of "funnier." Sorry for any confusion.)